Sunday, September 5, 2010

Day 1 - Your Best Friend

Dear Ollie,
Where to start? First off, I'm not quite sure this is the right day to write you a letter, since the sisters day is later. Because after all, you are way more than my best friend - we're sisters in all ways but biological. For some reason you love my dysfunctional family and want to be a part of it(well, you are a part.)
You are so amazing, through everything I've been through you've been there with me. Even after I moved and lost touch with so many friends we're Ollie and Ninja, sisters forever. You're the person who understands me through and through, we have our big dreams together. And that alone means a lot to me. You are so wise and mature in your faith, and I've always looked up to you so much for that. In fact when we were little I wanted to be just like you. Honestly, your faith in God is so inspiring to so many people - I'm sure you don't even know half of the impact you've made.
I wish I had a better way with words so I could really make it plain how much you mean to me, but alas I don't. So I just hope you know how much I do care, and love you. (:


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