Wednesday, August 18, 2010

30 Day Letter Challenge: Revamped!

Alright, so I started this before I left for Africa. And it's totally crazy, but I feel like I'm in a completely different part of life now than I was. So of course those letters, I feel, kind of don't apply to where I am. So the point is: I'm re-writing them. (:

The end.

James 1.

Alrighty, so me and my good friend are going through books of the Bible chapter by chapter to really dig into God's word and see what He's telling others through his Word. So this week we're reading James 1, and we are both so psyched because God has revealed such amazing things that I totally need right now. So here's what God really showed me through James 1: (PS. I'm getting personal.)

"Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy." James 1:2
This is a verse I struggle with, but I figure it's something God really wants me to learn because troubles come very often in my life - along with the entire human population. But lately it seems my struggles have been multiplied by ten. It's hard to take joy in not knowing whether or not you're going to be able to eat, much less live in your house. But James had it pretty rough also, he was Jesus' half brother I know that if I ever had to see my brother go through anything even close to what Jesus did it would possibly kill me - so talk about trials. I guess this also comes to the problem of counting happiness as joy. So many times we compare our walk to God to our feelings - especially happiness, but God promises us something so much more than just cheap happiness, He offers us joy which is everlasting. It's kinda like eating tofu versus eating steak.

"Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do." James 1:8
God is our rock, but when we move our foot off of him onto a much less stable foothold we become unstable. In Hosea 3 God compares how Hosea's wife commits adultery on him, we commit adultery on God when we mess around with the world. Basically we prostitute ourselves with the world. Woah, did you get that? If you say you love God, yet love the world you are committing spiritual prostitution. Woah. That's pretty rough, but our God is a jealous God. He doesn't just want our Sundays and Wednesdays, and then us going out into the world every other day. No, God wants every single bit of us. I know that in my personal life the times that I wasn't putting God first I was definitely not having a good time - you could say I was unstable! But when we turn to God our feet our planted on this huge rock.

"Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow." James 1:17
I just really like that. I don't have any comments really - I just love how great our God is.

Those are the verses that just really struck a chord with me. So if you'd like you can comment and discuss, I'm just really excited about what God has already shown me and what He's going to show me in the future.

Glory to Papa!